
Showing posts from August, 2009

''bunadi''- a strong foundation

From last few months i have been teaching gargi rhymes , science , language and art work on regular basis of course in a Montessori method . She just enjoys learning while she plays .There is lot of improvement in her.At this point of time i felt like sharing few thoughts which i had learnt in my Montessori course . Children have tremendous capacity to absorb universal details of life during their early years of 3-6. Before the age of six they should be exposed to the subjects of science and mathematics, and taught the skills of reading and writing. If early educational experience is pleasurable and stimulating, the child will achieve long-term academic excellence. It is the duty of elders to observe and nurture their child’s development. Regardless of the child’s ability, challenging his intellect should be made a joyful experience for her. If it causes irritation and fatigue to the child, it implies that we are employing a wrong approach. Kids learn a ton from new experiences. Lear